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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Free Download BBM APK File for Android

BBMYou are about to download BBM APK: The official BBM App for Android is finally available now. Use the it to connect and share instant messages, pictures an ...
Editors' Review: Use the official BBM app to connect and share instant messages, pictures and more for free, in real time. Read More >

Download Locations for BBM APK

File Name: BBM_2.2.1.45_com.bbm.apk (21.57 MB)
Download The APK File
External Mirror →
External Mirror → SendSpace
External Mirror → Zippyshare
External Mirror → Google Play
ThinstallSoft DOES NOT supply any cheat, unlimited gold patch, crack or full version for the apk file. We share the original apk package without any modification.
All free apps are for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP.
Note: BBM app requires Android 2.2 and up to run.

What's New in BBM v2.2.1.45

  1. Bug fixes and performance improvements

Old Versions

There are also old versions of BBM available. Install the old ones if necessary:

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Kumpulan SMS Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri (1435 H) Terbaru 2014

Sebelum takbir berkumandang
Sebelum ajal menjemput
Sebelum jaringan over load
Ijinkan kami memohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Andai jemari tak sempat berjabat,
Jika raga tak bisa bersua,
Bila Ada kata membekas luka,
Semoga pintu maaf masih terbuka.
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1434 H.

Ketupat udah dipotong
Opor udah dibikin
Nastar udah dimeja
Kacang udah digaremin
Gak afdhol kalo gak Minal Aidin wal Faizin
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum.

Bila ada langkah membekas lara..
Ada kata merangkai dusta..
Ada tingkah menoreh luka..
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin,
Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1434 H

Ya Allah, maafkanlah temanku ni,
karana aku telah memaafkannya…
minal Minal Aidin wal Faidzin
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri.

Bulan Ramadhan telah berlalu,
Dan hari Kemenangan telah datang,
Untuk itu mari kita bersihkan hati dan jiwa kita
Dari gelimang salah dan dosa
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

No Card, No Ketupat, No Parcel,
Just SMS Represents Everything
Happy ‘iedul Fitrie 1434 H…
Maaf lahir batin ya

Jika HATI sejernih AIR, jangan biarkan IA keruh,
Jika HATI seputih AWAN, jangan biarkan dia mendung,
Jika HATI seindah BULAN, hiasi IA dengan IMAN.
Mohon Maaf lahir Dan batin.

Hatiku mungkin tak sebening XL. Tak secerah MENTARI.
Tuk itulah aku harapkan SIMPATImu, my FREN.
Agar amalku jadi JEMPOLan n BEBASkan aku dari roaming dosa.

Berbuat khilaf adalah sifat
Meminta maaf adalah kewajiban
Dan kembalinya Fitrah adalah tujuan

Walaupun Hati gak sebening XL dan secerah MENTARI.
Banyak khilaf yang buat FREN kecewa,kuminta SIMPATI-mu
untuk BEBAS kan dari ROAMING dosa dan kita semua hanya bisa mengangkat JEMPOL
kepadaNya yang selalu membuat kita HOKI dalam mencari kartu AS selama kita hidup
karena kita harus FLEXIbel untuk menerima semua pemberianNYA dan menjalani MATRIX
kehidupan ini dan semoga amal kita tidak ESIA-ESIA
Mohon Maaf Lahir Bathin.

Kata-kata ku tlah banyak menyakitimu,
Perbuatanku tlah bnyak melukaimu.
Pada hari suci nan fitri ini, ijinkan kuucapkan
minal aidzin wal faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.
Sekian artikel mengenai Kumpulan SMS Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri Terbaru 2014, Semoga dapat membantu. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Download Active@ Disk Image v3.3.4

Active @ Disk Image - Adalah sulosi  cadangan PC untuk seluruh komputer atau PC set disk, termasuk sistem operasi, aplikasi dan file pengguna. Gambar cadangan dapat disimpan pada USB drive, jaringan penyimpanan, dibakar langsung ke CD / DVD / BR disc, atau disimpan pada media lain. Dalam kasus kegagalan komputer, gambar cadangan dapat digunakan untuk memulihkan sistem komputer Anda atau menemukan x26 mengembalikan file yang diperlukan dari dalam sebuah gambar.

Active @ Boot Disk Lite (bootable CD / USB) sebagai komponen program yang membantu Anda membawa sistem mati hidup kembali untuk mengembalikan sistem Windows disk.

Active @ Disk Image memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat gambar dari data yang disimpan di beberapa partisi dari hard disk atau gambar dari seluruh hard disk. Active @ Disk Image adalah partisi-oriented dan tidak berorientasi file. Dalam sistem berorientasi file, Anda harus memilih semua file yang Anda ingin mengarsipkan. Dalam sistem yang berorientasi partisi, semua file pada partisi disk yang dipilih akan disimpan ke dalam arsip.
A partition-oriented approach offers two major advantages:
  • There is no risk that you will overlook important files when performing the backup. All files on the disk are saved into the image file.
  • The folder structure and all hidden system files are saved, guaranteeing reliable partition restoring. If the original partition is completely corrupted and unrecoverable, it is still possible to restore system partitions, data and installed software.
  • Create Backup Disk Image & Raw Disk Image. Active@ Disk Image creates two types of disk images:
  • Backup Disk Image is used for backup of entire computer or any PC disks, and contains used disk space only.
  • Raw Disk Image contains an identical copy of every disk sector. It can be used for backup of non-Windows systems and future data recovery.
  • Back up to almost any media: CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+R DL (Dual Layer), USB and FireWire devices, network drives, Zip and Jaz drives, HD DVD and Blu-ray Discs supported.
  • Schedule a backup. Schedule the regular making of a disk image.
  • Disk Image Explorer. You may view the contents of the disk image archive file and restore individual files from it.


  Download Active@ Image v3.3.4 Download Active@ Disk Image v3.3.4  From Rapidshare   Download Active@ Image v3.3.4  Download Active@ Disk Image v3.3.4 From

Hard Disk Sentinel Pro v3.00 build 3736 - New

Hard Disk Sentinel Pro v3.00 build 3736 adalah Sebuah Software multi-OS pemantauan Hard disk anda. Tujuannya adalah untuk menemukan, menguji, mendiagnosis dan memperbaiki masalah hard disk drive, Harddisk menampilkan pemulihan  kinerja kerusakan dan kegagalan. Hard Disk Sentinel memberikan deskripsi tekstual lengkap, tips dan menampilkan / laporan yang paling komprehensif informasi tentang HDD di dalam komputer atau di kandang eksternal (USB / e-SATA). Banyak laporan yang berbeda peringatan dan pilihan yang tersedia untuk memastikan keamanan maksimum data berharga anda. Hard Disk Sentinel monitor status harddisk, termasuk Pemulihan, suhu dan semua SMART (Self-Monitoring, Pelaporan dan Analisis Teknologi, dibangun pada kebanyakan hard disk saat ini) nilai untuk setiap hard disk. Juga mengukur kecepatan transfer hard disk secara real time yang dapat digunakan sebagai patokan atau untuk mendeteksi kemungkinan kegagalan harddisk, kinerja degradasi.

Hard Disk Sentinel dapat secara efektif digunakan untuk mencegah kerusakan yang serius atau kehilangan data karena memiliki hard disk paling sensitif sistem penilaian kesehatan yang sangat sensitif terhadap masalah disk. Dengan cara ini bahkan masalah kecil tidak dapat tidak terjawab dan sebuah kegagalan atau kehilangan data dapat diperkirakan. Hal ini memberikan kesempatan untuk backup data yang penting dan berharga. Versi Profesional terjadwal dan otomatis (on-masalah) pilihan cadangan untuk mencegah kehilangan data tidak hanya disebabkan oleh kegagalan tetapi oleh malware atau menghapus kebetulan juga.


  Nero Lite Micro Edition V9.4.13.2 Download Hard Disk Sentinel Pro v3.00 build 3736 From Rapidshare   Nero Lite Micro Edition V9.4.13.2 Download Hard Disk Sentinel Pro v3.00 build 3736 From

Microsoft GIF Animator to create GIF Animations

 Microsoft GIF Animator

– An animated GIF is simply an image of type GIF, that combines within it a sequence of images, to display an animated motion when viewed in any browser! If you do like to create simple GIF animations, then this free tool from microsoft is good enough for you.
This Microsoft GIF Animator is no longer available on microsoft servers and is also not supported by them anymore. But you could still find and download it from some websites.You can also download it here.
Though this software was developed for windows xp platform, we found to our surprise that it still worked on windows 7 as well! It should also work on vista without any issues.

How to create animated GIF?

Microsoft GIF Animator is a simple software and is quite intuitive to use. To create a GIF animation, simply insert images for each of the frames.You can find the “Insert” button on the toolbar at the top.You can also rearrange the image sequence by clicking the up and down arrows. You can adjust the image width and height on the “Image” tab and also specify the final animated GIF’s width and height on the “Animation” tab.
GIF Animator
You can have as many frames as the number of images you want to combine into an animated GIF!
Animated GIF
Microsoft GIF Animator is also useful to open any existing animated GIF and extract all the image frames within the tool. You can then re-sequence or enhance them and build your own animated GIF!
The trick to make a cool animated GIF is to click two or more successive photo shots, when the target object is in motion.You can then combine them all into one good animated GIF, with Microsoft GIF Animator.

How to Get Mac OS or Linux Style Font Smoothing in Windows?

There is no doubt, Mac OS and Linux font smoothing functionality is better than Windows. The text in Mac or Linux looks better and smooth compared to Windows OS. Mac and Linux fonts are easier to read and easy on eyes than Windows fonts. Although Microsoft introduced Clear Type font smoothing in Windows but sometimes a few new fonts such as Segoe UI become hard to read and look too much sharp on screen.
Wouldn't it be great if we could get Mac and Linux style font smoothing in Windows? Today in this topic, we are going to share 2 free software which can bring Mac and Linux like font smoothing in Windows. These freeware can be considered as a replacement of the default font rendering service in Windows. These software render Windows fonts smoothly which makes them easier to read and look nice on screen.
Both these freeware are based on the good old GDI++ project which was started by a Japanese developer in September 2006 but was suspended very soon in the same month.
Since the development of GDI++ was discontinued by the developer, a few other developers started working on the same source code and released new improved versions of the same FreeType font smoothing functionality which was used by GDI++. These new software provide improved performance and better compatibility for all Windows versions.
So without wasting time, lets share these free software which will help you in making Windows fonts look-like Mac OS and Linux fonts as shown in following image:
These 2 freeware are:

  • gdipp
  • mactype
Installation of both software is easy. Simply follow the instructions given by the setup wizard and complete the installation process.
gdipp is easier to use compared to mactype and you don't need to customize any setting in gdipp. It automatically starts its service and brings Mac and Linux like font smoothing in Windows immediately just after the installation.
On the other hand, mactype is highly customizable. It comes with many built-in and pre-configured font smoothing profiles. You can select any of the given profiles or you can also create your own profile. You'll need to give each profile a try as different font profiles will work differently depending upon the computer screen and its resolution.
You can download both of them using following links:
Download gdipp
Download mactype
Both of these software work perfectly in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows editions.

Hash Tool 2.0.2: Free Portable Utility to Calculate and Verify Hash Codes

NOTE: You can check other interesting and useful free software created by our readers here.
UPDATE: New version 2.0.2 released which comes with a few fixes and updates. Check the change log below for more information.
Almost all of use download software and other files from Internet. It might be a free and small software or a large ISO file of a free public beta release of Windows 8. Many times when we download a file from a website, the website also provides hash code (CRC, SHA-1, MD5 or SHA-256) to verify the downloaded file.
"Hash Code" is a unique identifier which helps you in validating the integrity of a file. Many times when you download a large file, you can use its hash code to verify whether the file was downloaded correctly or it got corrupted during the transfer process.
Hash code might come very handy when you download a file using a 3rd party uploading website or a mirror website. You can check the downloaded file with the help of its hash code and can determine whether the file is genuine or was modified to put malicious code.
Now the question comes how to verify hash code of a file? Here is the answer!
"Hash Tool" is a small, free and portable tool created by AskVG reader "Shashi kumar Sinha" which helps you in calculating and verifying hash code of a file.
You just need to run the tool, drag-n-drop the file in its window or select the file using "Browse" button and click on "Calculate" button and the tool will immediately show its hash code information along with some important file information such as size, attributes, creation date, etc.
It shows MD5, CRC32, SHA1 and SHA256 hash values for the file. You can copy a particular hash code using "Copy" button given after the hash code text box.
It also allows you to match hash codes. Just type the hash code in text box and then select the file. It'll immediately match the hash codes and will tell you whether the hash codes are similar or not.
It also allows you to save the hash code values in a text file using "Save To File" button.
Its a portable software so you don't need to install it. Simply run the EXE file and enjoy the software.
Changes in Version 2.0.2:
  • Fixed a few issues
  • Changed background image and font
You can download it using following link:
Download Link
Following are the hash values of "Hash Tool":
File : HashTool.exe
Size : 1057768 bytes
CRC-32 : 2D6BC5C8
MD5 : A573BDD743E313D1D79ED8D2E3672DC4
SHA1 : 9890413681FED7A2A9217A99EC953B9B8D5090C8
SHA256 : E52AEF1E786B6479E8282FB42B312131953FA553C2B10B5E4E4A0616FAF61406
Please provide your valuable feedback about this software in your comment...

ViPad: Free Application Launcher and Complete Windows Desktop Replacement

We have shared many free application launchers for Windows in past such as XLaunchpad, WinLaunch, JumpPad, Appetizer, RunMe and many free dock utilities for Windows which can be found here. Today in this article, we are going to share another brand new application launcher or you can call it a complete Windows Desktop replacement.
"ViPad" is a new free software released by our friend "Lee Matthew Chantrey", the same man who has developed several other famous utilities for Windows such as ViStart, ViGlance and ViSplore.
You can use ViPad to put your favorite program shortcuts, website links, system tools shortcuts, etc in one place. It helps you in organizing all your shortcuts easily and efficiently.
You can create new tabs in this launcher and organize different shortcuts in groups using these tabs.
To put a shortcut in ViPad, you just need to drag-n-drop the desired shortcut into ViPad window and it gets automatically added to the launcher. If you want to rename or change the icon of shortcut, right-click on the shortcut and select "Change" option.
You can also change position of a shortcut by dragging-n-dropping it to desired location.
To create groups, click on the "+" icon and it'll immediately create a new tab. You can rename the tab by right-clicking on the tab name and select "Rename" option. You can also delete a tab using its context menu.
You can also drag-n-drop the tab list to desired location such as left or right and if you want to put it on center again, right-click and select "Reset" option.
You can also maximize ViPad window by double-clicking on the top area of its window.
To access ViPad settings, double-click on empty area in ViPad window and it'll open its Settings window where you can change various settings including:

  • Icon size
  • Start with Windows
  • Stick to Desktop
  • Always on top
  • Minimize after launch
  • Hide Desktop
  • Show control box (minimize, maximize and close buttons)
The best and unique thing about ViPad is its ability to use it as a Desktop replacement. To use ViPad as a Desktop replacer, maximize its window by double-clicking on top area and enable "Hide Desktop"and "Always on top" options in its Settings page. Now you can access all your desired shortcuts using ViPad window and it'll be always available for you in Taskbar.
Its really a great freeware and consumed very less system resources.
You can download it using following link:
Download ViPad

Download Windows 8 Metro UI Inspired Dark and Light Themes for Steam

UPDATE: New "Windows 8 Skin" for Steam added.
"Steam" is an online gaming platform which is used to distribute games and media. There are approx. 1K+ games are available through Steam.
If you also use Steam, here is something interesting for you.
Today we are going to share 3 awesome themes for Steam. Both themes are inspired from Windows 8's Metro UI.

  • Steam Metro Skin
  • Windows 8 Skin
  • Steam - MetroTwit
1. Steam Metro Skin
This skin has been created by our DA friend "fediaFedia". The skin makes Steam look-like Microsoft's Zune software. It provides a dark interface and if you like darker UI, you'll definitely enjoy the skin.

You can download it using following link:
Download Link
2. Windows 8 Skin
Its a new dark skin for Steam created by our friend "BoneyardBrew" @ DA. This theme has been created after getting inspired from Windows 8 Metro UI.
Following is a preview of this skin in action:

You can download it using following link:
Download Link
3. Steam - MetroTwit
If you don't like dark skins and want a light skin for Steam, you should give a try to this theme. This theme has also been created by our friend "BoneyardBrew".
This theme looks very close to Aero Lite theme found in Windows 8 testing builds.

You can download it using following link:
Download Link
Do you use Steam? If yes, which theme are you going to try? Please let us know in your comment...

Download Official Microsoft SkyDrive App for Windows, Mac and Mobile Phones

SkyDrive is a file hosting and synchronization service from Microsoft which allows you to upload and sync your data easily and quickly to their server. If you are not using it, you can create a free account using following link:
Microsoft SkyDrive
You can upload files, create folders to manage files and much more using its web interface. Now to make your life easier, Microsoft has released an official SkyDrive app which can be used to direct upload and sync files and folders using your computer. You'll not need to open SkyDrive webpage in your browser.
This free Desktop client for SkyDrive can be installed in following platforms:
  • Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8
  • Mac OS
  • Windows Phone
  • iPhone and iPad
Windows XP is not supported and currently the free app is not available for Google Android phones.
Using SkyDrive app, you'll be able to access your SkyDrive from Windows Explorer in Windows, Mac, Windows Phone and iOS. You can now just drag-n-drop files to and from SkyDrive upto 2 GB, you can now access all your files offline too.
This app takes just a few seconds in downloading and installing in your system. It sits in your system tray waiting for your command. A new folder for your SkyDrive data is created automatically in your user account folder, you can change the folder location during setup.
Now whenever you create a new file in this folder, its automatically uploaded to your SkyDrive account. If you delete a file, it gets automatically deleted from your account. Same thing happens when you create or delete a file in your SkyDrive account, its automatically created or deleted from your computer folder.
You can download SkyDrive app using following links:
PS: Microsoft has reduced free storage space at SkyDrive to 7GB for new users. Existing users can opt-in to keep previous 25GB of free storage using following link:
Upgrade SkyDrive Free Storage Space from 7GB to 25GB

[MSE Version Update] Microsoft Security Essentials 4.0 Released, Download Link Inside

NOTE: This topic is updated whenever a new version of Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is released. So keep checking this topic regularly to get instant updates.
Microsoft has upgraded its free anti-malware utility "Microsoft Security Essentials" (MSE) to version 4.0.1526.0. Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.
MSE is simple to install, easy to use, and is automatically updated to protect your PC with the latest technology. It runs quietly and efficiently in the background so that you are free to use your Windows-based PC the way you want without interruptions or long computer wait times.
Features List:
Comprehensive protection—Microsoft Security Essentials helps defend your computer against spyware, viruses, worms, Trojans, and other malicious software.
Easy to get, easy to use—Microsoft Security Essentials is available at no cost, there's no registration process that requires billing or personal information collection. It installs after a quick download and Genuine Windows validation and then stays automatically up-to-date with the latest protection technology and signature updates.
Quiet Protection—Microsoft Security Essentials doesn't get in your way. It runs quietly in the background and schedules a scan when your computer is most likely idle. You only see alerts when you need to take action.
MSE is absolutely free and can be used in Windows XP, Vista and 7. Both 32 and 64-bit versions are supported.
You should uninstall other antivirus software already running on your PC before installing Microsoft Security Essentials. Running more than one antivirus program at the same time can potentially cause conflicts that affect PC performance.
You can download it using following link:
Download Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE)
Direct Download Links

Download Portable MP3 Player with Aero Glass Interface for Windows 7

If you love listening music on your computer, here is something interesting for you. Although there are many free media players available for Windows such as built-in Windows Media Player or free 3rd party players such as Winamp, VLC, Real Player, etc but the media player which we are going to share today is a little bit different from others. "Aero Glass MP3 Player" is a free and portable MP3 player for Windows 7 created by guru5star @ DA which comes with all basic media player functions which you need to play media files but its specialty is its interface. This MP3 player comes with full Aero glass support so you get an awesome looking MP3 player in Windows.
We have shared a few similar media players in past such as Mirro and Aero Media Player but this new MP3 player also comes with playlist support.
It also shows the album art image along with MP3 title, information, total time and bit rate as shown in following screenshot:
It also utilizes built-in Windows 7 features such as showing progressbar, play/stop etc buttons in its program button in Taskbar. Currently it plays MP3 and AAC files only.
If you love eye candy utilities and if you want to enjoy full Aero glass UI in a media player, you should definitely give it a try.
You can download it using following link:
Download Aero Glass MP3 Player


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