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Monday, April 9, 2012

Managing Users in Drupal Detailed Tutorial

You can manage users' rights from Administer -> User management.
User management
You have 5 sections here. Here is a brief explanation of each section:
  • Access rules - from this section you can define different access rules for your Drupal; you can disallow users, emails and IP addresses
  • Permissions - from here you can which modules will be available for anonymous and/or authenticated users
  • Roles - Drupal comes with two default user roles - anonymous user and authenticated user; you can add additional roles such as administrator, moderator, etc
  • User settings - from this section you can configure the user registration settings, the emails notifying a user for new registration, password recovery, etc
  • Users - shows a list of your current users; you can also add new users or block existing ones


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